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Image by Alexandra Lee


High School Research Journal (HSRJ)

1125 Willis Avenue

Albertson, NY 11507





eISSN #: 2475-0069




Editorial Policy: Imprint


High School Research Journal (HSRJ) is an international, reviewed scientific journal which publishes original articles in basic research and technology related disciplines e.g., epidemiology, public health, environmental science, and molecular biology. HSRJ is issued on a continuous basis as a primary electronic journal. Print copies can be ordered on demand on a monthly basis (12 times per year). HSRJ has a Library of Congress ISSN number (ISSN: 2475-0069).



The HSRJ editors endorse the principles embodied in the Declaration of Helsinki and expect that all investigations involving humans will have been performed in accordance with these principles. All human studies must be approved by the investigator’s Institutional Review Board.



Subject confidentiality. Changing the details of subjects in order to disguise them is a form of data alteration. However authors of papers involving human research subjects are obliged to ensure subjects’ privacy rights. Only clinically or scientifically important data are permitted for publishing. Therefore, if it is possible to identify a patient from a case report, illustration or paper, HSRJ Editors ask for a written consent of the study subject and their parent/guardian to publish their data, including photograms prior to publication. The description of race, ethnicity, or culture of a study subject should occur only when it is believed to be of strong influence on the medical condition in the study. When categorizing by race, ethnicity, or culture, the names should be as illustrative as possible and reflect how these groups were assigned.



Conflict of interest. Authors of research articles should disclose at the time of submission any financial arrangement, e.g., grant, they may have with a company whose product figures prominently in the submitted manuscript or with a company making a competing product. Such information will be held in confidence while the paper is under review and will not influence the editorial decision, but if the article is accepted for publication, the editors will usually disclose this information in the authors section. Journal policy requires that reviewers, associate editors, editors, and senior editors reveal in a letter to the Editor-in-Chief any relationships that they have that could be construed as causing a conflict of interest with regard to a manuscript under review.



Permissions. Materials taken from other sources must be accompanied by a written statement of approval from both author and publisher giving permission to the Journal for reproduction. Obtain permission in writing from at least one author of papers still in press, unpublished data, and personal communications.



Copyrights. HSRJ has adopted the Open Access publishing model. All articles are published under Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) only allowing others to download articles and share them with others as long as they credit the authors and the publisher, but without permission to change them in any way or use them commercially.



Disclaimer. Every effort is made by the Publisher and Editorial Board to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement appear in the HSRJ. However, they wish to make it clear that the data and opinions appearing in the articles and advertisements herein are the responsibility of the contributor, sponsor or advertiser concerned. Accordingly, the Publisher and the Editorial Board accept no liability whatsoever for the consequences of any such inaccurate of misleading data, opinion or statement. Every effort is made to ensure that drug doses and other quantities are presented accurately. Nevertheless, readers are advised that methods and techniques involving drug usage and other treatments described in this Journal, should only be followed in conjunction with the drug or treatment manufacturer’s own published literature in the readers own country.

Editorial Policy: Text



HSRJ takes under consideration for publication original articles in the sciences and related disciplines with the understanding that neither the manuscript nor any part of its essential substance, tables or figures have been published previously in print form or electronically and are not taken under consideration by any other publication or electronic medium. Copies of any closely related manuscripts should be submitted to the Editor along with the manuscript that is to be considered by the Journal. The Journal discourages the submission of more than one article dealing with related aspects of the same study.

Editorial Policy: Text


Submitted papers should fit in one of the following disciplines.  Animal Sciences, Astronomy, Behavioral & Social Sciences, Biochemistry, Biochemistry, BioInformatics, Biomedical Engineering, Biomedical & Health Sciences, Biomedical Technology, Botany, Cellular Biology, Chemistry, Computational Biology, Computer Science, Embedded Systems, Energy, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Epidemiology, Materials Science, Mathematics, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Physical Sciences, Physics, Robotics & Intelligent Machines, or Systems Software.
Reviews and Special Reports.  HSRJ will accept special reports on the basis that they provide a systematic, critical and/or up-to-date overview of literature pertaining to research or clinical topics. Meta-analyses are considered as reviews. Special attention will be paid to the teaching value of a review paper.

Editorial Policy: Text


General Information.  Text should be single-spaced with 12-point typeface.  Margins: 2.5 cm (1 inch) at top, bottom, right, and left.  Each report will be no longer than twenty  pages, including all figures, tables, photographs, references, and appendices.  Each submitted report will be submitted in template form along with the Supervising Scientist Form stating that the person in question has performed the work under their presence and validates the study’s outcome.  If human subjects, animals, and/or hazardous materials were used for the research study, the provision of proper documentation will be enforced.

Units of Measurement. Measurements of length, height, weight, and volume should be reported in metric units (meter, kilogram, or liter) or their decimal multiples. Temperatures should be given in degrees Celsius. Blood pressures should be given in millimeters of mercury. All hematological and clinical chemistry measurements should be reported in the metric system in terms of the International System of Units (SI). Alternative or non-SI units should be added in parenthesis.


Abbreviations and Symbols. Use only standard abbreviations. Avoid abbreviations in the title and abstract. The full term for which an abbreviation stands should precede its first use in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement.


All reports will have the following sections:



Author(s):   Institutional address, phone and email information

Mentor(s):   Institutional address, phone and email information


Corresponding author(s):   Name, address and contact information


Abstract:   500 words stating the background and why the work is important. Briefly, the method used and the results and finally the conclusions of the study.

Introduction:   The literature that exists concerning this study and why it is important.  

Key Words:   Discipline and study terms

Material and Methods (if any):   How the study performed as well as the statistics used to determine significance.  If animals were used, documentation that the study conforms to animal studies evaluation at the respective institution.  If the work was performed elsewhere the corresponding authorization should be noted.

Results:   State the results and their statistical evaluation not the conclusions.

Conclusion:   In your evaluation of the results include how they correspond to what is known and how this study added to that knowledge. Additionally, why was the study significant to the over all body of knowledge in this specific field of endeavor.  

Acknowledgements:  Note programs and people you may want to thank for their assistance.


References:  References  must be up-to-date. Must be numbered consecutively as they are cited. References selected for publication should be chosen for their importance, accessibility, and for the further reading opportunities they provide. References first cited in tables or figure legends must be numbered so that they will be in sequence with references cited in the text. Refer to the HSRJ Report Template for additional details.

Editorial Policy: Text


Reports are evaluated on the basis that they present new insights to the investigated topic and are likely to contribute research progress. It is understood that all authors listed on a manuscript have agreed to its submission. The corresponding author/Science Advisor signifies that these conditions have been fulfilled and the report evaluated at the home institution.    The Science Advisor of Chair of the Science Research Program at the home institution states this project was approved, examined and supported at that or another institution.  Additionally, this person states the work was under their supervision and states their approval of the submitted report.


Received manuscripts are first examined by the HSRJ staff.  All documents should be in the template form.  Incomplete submissions or manuscripts not prepared in the advised style will not be sent for publication until the correct and complete submission has been provided. The authors are notified with the reference number upon manuscript registration at the Editorial Office. The registered manuscripts, after institutional review,  are entered into the publication process.. Submitted papers are accepted for publication after a positive opinion of the science advisors recommendation. The publication  process, if all is correct, usually takes 1 month.

Editorial Policy: Text


HSRJ adopted the Open Access publishing model in which all published articles are freely available to readers directly from the Journal’s website. This will enable rapid documentation and validation of the author’s expertise.  This publishing model, however, is based on author fees. The submission of a manuscript is free of charge. Processing fee applies only to manuscripts accepted for publication.  Online credit card payment is our preferred method of payment. We also accept bank checks and wire transfers. The payment instructions will be provided after a manuscript has been accepted for publication.


Editorial Processing $250 USD.  Estimated processing time: 2-4 weeks, dependent on adjustments and the length of the review process, time required for manuscript correction by authors and your institution’s / personal payment procedures, and the number of manuscripts awaiting publication.

Editorial Policy: Text


HSRJ accepts only electronic submissions via the Journal’s website. Please register first, if this is your first submission to the Journal. This will enable efficient communication with the editors and re-submissions of corrected files. Please follow the instructions on the journal’s website.

Editorial Policy: Text


If the Submitted Report includes material that was published previously in another journal, whether or not the Author(s) participated in the earlier publication, the copyright holder’s permission must be obtained to republish such material in print and online with HSRJ. It is the Author’s obligation to obtain any necessary permissions to use prior publication material in any of the ways described in Section II: Permitted Uses by Author(s). No such permission is required if Long Island Conservatory (LIC) is the copyright holder.

Editorial Policy: Text
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